Denis Mogilenko, PhD
More Information
Immunometabolism in obesity and aging
- PhD: Institute for Experimental Medicine, Saint Petersburg, Russia
- Postdoctoral Fellow: French Institute of Health and Medical Research (INSERM)
- Postdoctoral Fellow: Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis
Research Information
Our research focuses on how obesity and aging reshape immune responses and lead to inflammatory diseases. Immune cells are sensitive to their metabolic environment, which affects intracellular metabolism and signaling and fine-tune immune functions. We are interested in understanding how metabolic cues regulate communication between immune cells, focusing on dendritic cells and T cells. Our Lab studies how obesity and aging disturb the immune and metabolic balance and lead to excessive inflammation, including diseases such as psoriasis and asthma. We decode molecular mechanisms that link dendritic cell metabolism to tissue inflammation by combining mouse models of inflammatory skin and lung diseases with systems immunology approaches.
Publications on 
Select Publications:
Mogilenko DA*, Shchukina I*, Artyomov MN. Immune ageing at single-cell resolution. Nat Rev Immunol 22, 484–498 (2022). (*co-first authors)
Mogilenko DA, Shpynov O, Andhey PS, Arthur L, Swain A, Esaulova E, Brioschi S, Shchukina I, Kerndl M, Bambouskova M, Yao Z, Laha A, Zaitsev K, Burdess S, Gillfilan S, Stewart SA, Colonna M, Artyomov MN. Comprehensive profiling of an aging immune system reveals clonal GZMK+ CD8 T cells as conserved hallmark of inflammaging. Immunity 54(1):99-115.e12 (2021).
Brioschi S*, Wang W-L*, Peng V*, Wang M, Shchukina I, Greenberg ZJ, Bando JK, Jaeger N, Czepielewski RS, Swain A, Mogilenko DA, Beatty WL, Bayguinov P, Fitzpatrick JAJ, Schuettpelz LG, Fronick CC, Smirnov I, Kipnis J, Shapiro VS, Wu GF, Gilfillan S, Cella M, Artyomov MN, Kleinstein SH, Colonna M. Heterogeneity of meningeal B cells reveals a lymphopoietic niche at the CNS borders. Science 373(6553):eabf9277 (2021). (*co-first authors)
Arthur L*, Esaulova E*, Mogilenko DA, Tsurinov P, Burdess S, Laha A, Presti R, Goetz B, Watson MA, Goss CW, Gurnett CA, Mudd PA, Beers C, O’Halloran JA & Artyomov MN. Cellular and plasma proteomic determinants of COVID-19 and non-COVID-19 pulmonary diseases relative to healthy aging. Nature Aging 1, 535-549 (2021). (*co-first authors)
Bambouskova M, Potuckova L, Paulenda T, Kerndl M, Mogilenko DA, Lizotte K, Swain A, Hayes S, Sheldon RD, Kim H, Kapadnis U, Ellis AE, Isaguirre C, Burdess S, Laha A, Amarasinghe GK, Chubukov V, Roddy TP, Diamond MS; Jones RJ, Simons DM, Artyomov MN. Itaconate confers tolerance to late inflammasome activation. Cell Reports 34(10):108756 (2021).
Mogilenko DA, Haas JT, L'homme L, Fleury S, Quemener S, Levavasseur M, Becquart C, Wartelle J, Bogomolova A, Pineau L, Molendi-Coste O, Lancel S, Dehondt H, Gheeraert C, Melchior A, Dewas C, Nikitin A, Pic S, Rabhi N, Annicotte JS, Oyadomari S, Velasco-Hernandez T, Cammenga J, Foretz M, Viollet B, Vukovic M, Villacreces A, Kranc K, Carmeliet P, Marot G, Boulter A, Tavernier S, Berod L, Longhi MP, Paget C, Janssens S, Staumont-Sallé D, Aksoy E, Staels B, Dombrowicz D. Metabolic and innate immune cues merge into a specific inflammatory response via the UPR. Cell 177(5):1201-1216 (2019).
Haas JT*, Vonghia L*, Mogilenko DA*, Verrijken A, Molendi-Coste O, Fleury S, Deprince A, Nikitin A, Woitrain E, Ducrocq-Geoffroy L, Pic S, Derudas B, Dehondt H, Gheeraert C, Van Gaal L, Driessen A, Lefebvre P, Staels B, Francque S, Dombrowicz D. Transcriptional network analysis implicates altered hepatic immune function in NASH development and resolution. Nature Metabolism 1(6):604-614 (2019). (*co-first authors)
Devos M*, Mogilenko DA*, Fleury S, Gilbert B, Becquart C, Quemener S, Dehondt H, Tougaard P, Staels B, Bachert C, Vandenabeele P, Van Loo G, Staumont-Salle D, Declercq W, Dombrowicz D. Keratinocyte expression of A20/TNFAIP3 controls skin inflammation associated with atopic dermatitis and psoriasis. J Invest Dermatol 139(1):135-145 (2019). (*co-first authors)